Our 2005/2006 Wits End Poetry Season ran from September 2005 until August 2006. This year the Metropolitan Arts Council, Link Magazine, and Coffee Underground sponsored our second annual reading series, which nationally, regionally, and locally renowned poets in 32 events. Our events also included opportunities for local audiences to ask questions of and get books signed by traveling poets, as well as opportunities for locals to share their own poetry in our open mic. Coffee and Poetry is held every Sunday from 7:30 - 8:30 and is open to the paying public ($5).
In October 2005, we held the Wits End Poetry Third Year Anniversary Extravaganza starring New York’s Jeff McDaniel. This event also featured an art auction and was sponsored by the South East Arts Federation, Metropolitan Arts Council, as well as many local businesses.
In March 2006, we held the first annual Southern Slam Queen individuals which featured 15 women from fours states. This event was a very successful pilot, and we look forward to expanding it next year.
In January 2006, Wits End Poetry launched its new Teen Website “Upstate Teen Voice” at www.upstateyouthspeaks.com. The site features resources and poetry by local students.
As part of our new youth outreach goal, we have begun planning with Within Reach, a community center off of Washington Street.
Our goals for next year include audience development, youth outreach, and recording some of our events on film.
Past Education Plans
2003 Kimberly Simms in schools as part of SmartARTS
2004 Offered workshop for teens at iWPS
Kimberly Simms in schools as part of SmartARTS
2005 Coffee Underground and workshops are all ages
Kimberly Simms in schools as part of SmartARTS
2006 - 2009 Partnership with Peace Center to host annual teen poetry slam
Coffee Underground and poetry workshops are all ages
Performances by Upstate Slam Team at local colleges
2010 - 2013 Coffee Underground and poetry workshops are all ages
Performances by Upstate Slam Team at local colleges
Ad hoc teen workshops at Sterling Community Center
2014 Teen workshop and teen poetry slam at Peace Center as part of Southern Fried Poetry Slam
Visit by Upstate Slam Team to give assembly at Northwest Middle School
as part of Southern Fried Poetry Slam
as part of Southern Fried Poetry Slam
Coffee Underground and poetry workshops are all ages
Performances by Upstate Slam Team at local colleges
2015 - 2016 Coffee Underground and poetry workshops are all ages
Performances by Upstate Slam Team at local colleges
Kimberly Simms in schools as part of SmartARTS, SCAC, Humanities Council,
Carl Sandburg House, and Alliance Theater in Atlanta
Carl Sandburg House, and Alliance Theater in Atlanta
2017 Kimberly Simms continues work as a teaching artist
Moody Black hired by SmartARTS
Coffee Underground and poetry workshops are all ages